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the model life coach

Get clear with your modeling!

I turn your “how questions” into career growing answers


as seen in


 about maddison

Professional Model & Model Life Coach

From National and International Brand Campaigns, to International Runways… I can get you there. But, there’s a lot to learn first!

I know what it’s like to feel lost and confused when it comes to trying to figuring out the modeling world. Trust me, I’ve been there! This industry is tough and I have the ability to help you get on track. If you let me be your Model Life Coach, I will help you transform your modeling career successfully. If you’re just getting started, you’re in the right place too.

I also want to make something clear: not everyone is suited for the modeling world. Succeeding in this industry requires time, dedication, and investment. While I'm passionate about witnessing models thrive and succeed, I reserve my guidance for those genuinely committed to investing their time, effort, and resources into their personal development.


glowing testimonials


Do any of these resonate with you?

  • Wondering how to make money as a model and create sustainable opportunities?

  • Are you new to the industry and don’t know where to start?

  • Did you get told “no” by an agency, or director? And wonder why you were told no?

  • Do you know the RIGHT questions to ask to push your modeling career in the right direction?

  • Are you lacking confidence as a model and want to transform your mindset?

  • Are you currently signed with an agency but not working as much as you thought?

  • Do you know what market you fit into?

  • Do you dream about modeling for the big luxury fashion brands and don’t know how to make that happen?


we see and hear you!

This industry can be tough, and that’s why Maddison is the Model Life Coach that will help you navigate your modeling career confidently and safely.


Getting Clear With Your Modeling Path

At Maddison & Company, we specialize in crafting cutting-edge, personalized programs tailored precisely to our clients' requirements. Our programs are meticulously crafted to unleash your maximum potential and illuminate your path in the industry.

Our ultimate objective is to empower and educate you, ensuring you're fully prepared to excel in the fashion industry.


Are you ready?


 client testimonials


Watch Maddison & Company


and we love kids

According to Marc Jacobs, “Clothes means nothing until someone lives in them.”

And we say, who loves and lives in clothes more than kids? Kids are about to become one of the fastest growing segments of the entire fashion industry. In fact, there has never been a better time than right now to get kids involved in the fashion industry.

Maddison has dedicated a lot of her professional practice to kids within the fashion industry. With over 16 years experience working with kids, Maddison takes great pride in teaching them the necessary skills to succeed in the industry.

The feedback from families have been phenomenal because they trust that Maddison will point them in the right direction.  


introducing the…

Ambassador of Canada for ELLE Education

Maddison meets with ELLE Education to bring more awareness, understanding and education to the fashion industry here in Canada.

Canada is at a pivotal moment and she is delighted to play an innovative role with its growth and direction. Education is power, but it is not power without execution.

Maddison is also a graduate from ELLE Education where she studied Marketing and Communications for Fashion & Luxury Brands. She graduated at the top of her class.

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glowing testimonials


“Having left the modeling industry for some time, Maddison has helped bring me up to speed on the ways the industry has evolved. Every time I meet with her I feel energized, encouraged and supported. Something I wish I had the first time around!”

- Marissa, Model


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are you ready?

Schedule your appointment with Maddison today!
